Monday, January 31, 2011

Winding Down

Well, I am ALMOST finished with the painters at our new place. Only made 2 bad color choices,not too bad for a house we purchased and saw only one time!!
We bought this as our retirement home,but my hubbie got a promo in December that allows us to live anywhere in the U.S. ,and since Italy won't be a possibility for a little while,Tallahasse it is!
Think Savannah...not you grandparents Florida!!
We bought the "Southern Living " home of the year 2003...and boy did it look it! Soooo much stuff everywhere, red walls , blue and ochre bathrooms, UGH! Now it is soothing blues and grays. Ahhh!
My husband say's it feels like a big hug to him everytime he comes home...mission accomplished.
I will never move again (unless of course to Italy). I really feel the need to put down roots and plant Hydrangeas that I will actually see grow. At our home in the San Fran Bay area (we still have it-not a good time to sell), I designed and had installed the most beautiful gardens,alas,someone else is now enjoying.

Off to the Doctor(what else is new)...I have a cold.

Til next...
Debbie xo

Friday, January 21, 2011

55 Now What?: I like...

55 Now What?: I like...: " Vanilla candles ...don't care if you are snickering , I would rather smell Vanilla than some Fig and Grapefruit blend. A&n..."

55 Now What?: crushed faux drapes and Demi Moore

55 Now What?: crushed faux drapes and Demi Moore: "Last night I had a dream that Demi Moore was my biological mother . This is very curious to me for a couple of reasons: 1. I am adopted..."

55 Now What?: How did this happen?

55 Now What?: How did this happen?: "I am really baffled. Just yesterday (or so it seems), I was wondering how I could possibly be celebrating 40 yrs. on this earth...and now 55..."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I like...

 Vanilla candles ...don't care if you are snickering , I would rather smell Vanilla than  some Fig and Grapefruit  blend.
A good cup of regular bored with the mocha-latted-cappuchino-chai-caramel swirled-chocolate expresso mixes! Enough already!! 
My style of dressing ; I am old enough to know what looks good on me and what doesn't. I do not need  or desire some know it all self  professed  fashion "expert" telling me what I should be wearing . Have you ever actually looked at what they  were wearing???
Colin Firth ...enough said.
Cooking -for anyone ,but especially my family and friends.
Not being perfect...sounds crazy,but, I really think this is an aspiration for too many (and by too many I mean more than 1). Think about it, not being perfect ALWAYS gives you a reason to keep learning and growing.
Bravo TV...Love!

Debbie xo


crushed faux drapes and Demi Moore

Last night I had a dream that Demi Moore was my biological mother . This is very curious to me for a couple of reasons:
1. I am adopted and already know who my biological mother was.
2. I really don't like Demi Moore.
Perhaps it was the article I was reading about all of the celebrities who look so amazing and never seem to age ,because they have had good cosmetic work done. I don't know, it was just bizzare.

So , today I wanted to get an early start on the day, awoke,put on my eye de-puffer ,had coffee and a shower , and proceeded to put on make-up. GREAT!!! Noticed that my eyelids were starting to look like crushed faux drapes...honest to God!! The problem with an 8x magnification mirror is that it shows everything to the nth degree!! So although you are able to get that grey hair that is growing under your chin, you are also able to see all too clearly you crepey er..creepy eyelids.

I also applied for a credit card in my own name. You see I have been with my husband for so long , that  I have no credit soley in my name. So taking Suze Ormond's advice, I went and applied. Eric (that's my hubbie) and I have really blended together as one...and that's OK ,but , I feel the need for my individuality.
I used to have a successful career in sales , loved my job! Loved! But the hours were a bit much,so I hung it up about 10 yrs ago. I became a full time homemaker with all that that entails.
So it was funny today when at the bank , I was ask if I work! Ha! I really don't think that in this day and age ,still,the very honorable profession of homemaker is taken as seriously as it should be.

We are new here to Tallahassee,Fl...and I love it . Think Savannah , Live Oaks and Spanish Moss, friendly people , great food!
We relocated from the San Francisco bay area in December. Originally from Pennsylvania, I am happy to be back on the East coast.

We have had 3 major moves in the last 4 years. It seems excessive , no?

If you had to make a major move ,and you were in your 50's ,could you?

Debbie xo

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How did this happen?

I am really baffled. Just yesterday (or so it seems), I was wondering how I could possibly be celebrating 40 yrs. on this earth...and now 55?
It actually hurts to think about the number. OH! I can hear some of the more senior readers thinking 55 is sooo young. I suppose when you have a Grandfather who lived into his 101st year,55 is not so bad.
So,what is REALLY bothering me ? Is it the fact that I cannot even read the simplest thing without CVS reading glasses ? Is it the fact that I need a mirror with 8x magnification just to tweeze my eyebrows ?(yes, I am of the generation that tweezes). Is it that there are wrinkles appearing ,it seems almost daily, that make me look like someone OLD??  How is it that I can remember exactly what I was wearing to my 1st 6th grade dance,but, I cannot remember why I am in the Publix? When did I become this older woman? When did I stop being cute? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was watching my son play biddy basketball ? Now he is 34 yrs old!!! My husband and I are soon to start our 18th year together (yes, 2nd marriage). Where did the time go?

I think this is the thing...time. Time...I didn't value and enjoy it enough because I was too busy living.
Does that make sense?

Anyway, I hope this blog will be an interesting  journey for me,and for anyone who cares to read it.

Debbie xo